[gdal-dev] Building 64 bit, Swig Error

Tomas R monshi at home.se
Fri Mar 6 16:30:17 EST 2009

Trying to build a 64 bit version of GDAL on  a Vista 32 bit installation 
using Visual Studie Express C++ 2008.

So how do I do, and how does it go.
I start up the Visual Studio 2008 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt. I set 
in nmake.opt WIN64= YES
With this GDAL seems to compile ok, no errors and all files created as 
it should. I have no direct way of testing it since I only have a 32 bit 
installation of Vista but, as said, seems ok.

Then I try to compile the C# Swig interface.
First step
nmake /f makefile.vc interface
but second step
nmake /f makefile.vc
throws an error
cd ..
csc  /target:library /out:osr_csharp.dll osr\*.cs AssemblyInfo.cs
csc är inte ett internt kommando, externt kommando,
program eller kommandofil.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'csc' : return code '0x1'

translates to about
csc is not an internal commando, external commando, program or commando file

What have I missed?
Building 32-bit version, using the normal  32 bit version of VSE 2008 
debug environment is no problem at all.


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