[gdal-dev] create 25D MultiPolygon how to
legeochen at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 23:00:58 EDT 2009
I have tried your suggestion. but it won't work. It seems the shp file
create by ogr is a little different from which generated with shplib.
reading shp file ceated by ogr with shplib gives me warning like the dbf.
containe different record than shp. Actually, only the first geometry can be
read out.
2009/3/3 legeochen <legeochen at gmail.com>
> Wow:
> Tanks for your suggestion! Yeaph! That maybe where the rub is. I will try
> it out soon.
> cheers!
> 2009/3/3 wow <27949218 at qq.com>
> Hi,
>> Your code looks like that you didn't create any field for the feature. At
>> least create one field would ensure success.
>> Like this:
>> OGRFieldDefn oField( "Name", OFTString );
>> oField.SetWidth(32);
>> if( pLayer->CreateField( &oField ) != OGRERR_NONE )
>> {
>> printf( "Creating Name field failed.\n" );
>> exit( 1 );
>> }
>> Xuexia Chen
>> ------------------
>> To the world you're little, but to a person, maybe you're the world.
>> ------------------ Original ------------------
>> *From: * "legeochen"<legeochen at gmail.com>;
>> *Date: * Fri, Feb 27, 2009 09:47 PM
>> *To: * "Gdal-Dev"<gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org>;
>> *Subject: * [gdal-dev] create 25D MultiPolygon how to
>> Hi All
>> I try to create some multipolygons?with OGR.?After creating them, but when
>> I want view them in arcscene, it just make arcscene crash! Then I tried
>> osgviewer with ESRI Shapefile, I was warned:
>> ESRIShape loader: .dbf file containe different record number that .shp
>> file.
>> ???????????????????????????? .dbf record skipped.
>> Actually, only one feature in the dataset had been readed out.
>> Then, I tried osgviewer with ogr, got warnings like this:
>> Warning something wrong with a polygon in a multi polygon.
>> And, the result is not quite as expected!
>> Here is?my code:
>> ?const char* pszDriverName = "ESRI Shapefile";
>> ?OGRSFDriver *poDriver;
>> ?OGRRegisterAll();
>> ??? poDriver = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar()->GetDriverByName(
>> ??????????????? pszDriverName );
>> ??? if( poDriver == NULL )
>> ??? {
>> ??????? printf( "%s driver not available.\n", pszDriverName );
>> ??????? return false;
>> ??? }
>> ?OGRDataSource *poDS;
>> ?poDS = poDriver->Open(shpfile,TRUE);
>> ?if(poDS == NULL)
>> ??poDS = poDriver->CreateDataSource(shpfile,NULL);
>> ?if(poDS == NULL)
>> ?{
>> ??printf("Creation of output file failed.\n");
>> ??return false;
>> ?}
>> ?OGRLayer* poLayer = poDS->GetLayerByName (layername);
>> ?if(poLayer == NULL)
>> ?{
>> ??if( !poDS->TestCapability( ODsCCreateLayer ) )
>> ??????? {
>> ??????????? fprintf( stderr,
>> ????????????? "Layer Roadway not found, and CreateLayer not supported by
>> driver." );
>> ??????????? return FALSE;
>> ??????? }
>> ??CPLErrorReset();
>> ??poLayer = poDS->CreateLayer(layername,NULL,wkbMultiPolygon25D,NULL);
>> ??if(poLayer == NULL)
>> ??{
>> ???printf( "Layer creation failed.\n" );
>> ???return false;
>> ??}
>> ?}
>> ?for(Roadway::RoadWayArray::iterator itrw = _roadwayArr.begin(); itrw !=
>> _roadwayArr.end();itrw++)
>> ?{
>> ??OGRFeature *poFeature;
>> ??
>> ??OGRMultiPolygon multiPoly;
>> ??poFeature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(poLayer->GetLayerDefn());
>> ??Roadway::Triangle_list tris = (*itrw)->getTrianglelist();
>> ??for(Triangle_list::const_iterator ittri = tris.begin();ittri !=
>> tris.end();ittri++)
>> ??{
>> ???OGRPolygon polygon;
>> ???OGRLinearRing poRing;
>> ???poRing.addPoint((*ittri).a().x(),(*ittri).a().y(),(*ittri).a().z());
>> ???poRing.addPoint((*ittri).b().x(),(*ittri).b().y(),(*ittri).b().z());
>> ???poRing.addPoint((*ittri).c().x(),(*ittri).c().y(),(*ittri).c().z());
>> ???poRing.addPoint((*ittri).a().x(),(*ittri).a().y(),(*ittri).a().z());
>> ???
>> ???polygon.addRing(&poRing);
>> ???multiPoly.addGeometry(&polygon);
>> ???
>> ??}
>> ??poFeature->SetGeometry(&multiPoly);
>> ??if( poLayer->CreateFeature( poFeature ) != OGRERR_NONE )
>> ??{
>> ???printf( "Failed to create feature in shapefile.\n" );??????
>> ???return false;
>> ??}
>> ??OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature );
>> ?}
>> ?OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource( poDS );
>> Any help is appreciated!!?
>> ?
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