[gdal-dev] ogr2ogr changes attribute table after projection

Wesley Roberts wroberts at csir.co.za
Tue Mar 10 03:07:04 EDT 2009

Dear Colleagues,

I have an ESRI shapefile with approximately 20 000 polygons in a geographic projection (WGS84). I have used the following command to convert the shapefile to a utm34s projection. 

ogr2ogr wckznwimsextract_utm34s.shp wckznwimsextract.shp -t_srs EPSG:32734 -s_srs EPSG:4326

the coordinate transformation works perfectly however the attribute data in the new shapefile is incorrect. In fact very little of the original data is present, dates in the original data are now null (two different formats 2009-01-01 & 23-Mar-2008) with other text and numerical attributes also now removed. All columns from the original data are present but none of the original data remains.

If anyone could comment on this problem and or suggest a solution I would greatly appreciate it.

Many thanks and kind regards,

Wesley Roberts MSc.
Researcher: Earth Observation (Ecosystems)
Natural Resources and the Environment
Tel: +27 (21) 888-2490
Fax: +27 (21) 888-2693

"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."
- Chinese proverb

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