[gdal-dev] When does the env var GDAL_DATA get processed?

brettwiesner brettwiesner at gmail.com
Tue May 5 16:27:50 EDT 2009


I have an application that programatically sets the GDAL_DATA 
environment variable. However,  when I do this I get errors complaining 
that it can't find GDAL_DATA. When I use an application like process 
explorer to see the environment of the process I see that I am correctly 
setting the environment variable to what I want. If I run the 
application from a batch file that "sets" the env var before running the 
application then things work.

Because I can see from process explorer that I'm correctly setting the 
env var for the process, I am left to believe that some dll get's loaded 
and the GDAL_DATA env var is used before my code gets a chance to set 
it. Is this possible? When/ where does the value of the env var 
GDAL_DATA get used?


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