Re: [gdal-dev] non-fully conform output of gdalwarp

Lucena, Ivan ivan.lucena at
Fri May 29 07:49:01 EDT 2009

If you use DATUM["GRS_1980" instead of DATUM["D_GRS_1980" it might work. See for 
more info.

>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: Matthieu Rigal <rigal at>
>  Subject: [gdal-dev] non-fully conform output of gdalwarp
>  Sent: May 29 '09 05:11
>  Hi guys,
>  Working with GDAL 1.6.1, I got some strange result. It is not very
>  compromising, because the result is OK, but it shall be enhanced, or I shall
>  learn how to use it.
>  giving the following command :
>  gdalwarp -t_srs 
>  8_WGS84.tif 8_ETRS89.tif
>  will create the desired file, and project it fine, but doing :
>  gdalinfo 8_ETRS89.tif
>  will show :
>  PROJCS["ETRS89_GRS80_3",
>      GEOGCS["LUA_ETRS89",
>          DATUM["unknown",
>              SPHEROID["unnamed",6378137,298.2572221010042]],
>          PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>          UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
>      PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],
>      PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],
>      PARAMETER["central_meridian",15],
>      PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],
>      PARAMETER["false_easting",3500000],
>      PARAMETER["false_northing",0],
>      UNIT["metre",1,
>          AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]]]
>  Why is the Datum set to unknown and the spheroid to unnamed ?
>  It also causes some other software to warn that the projection is not the same
>  (as the desired)...
>  Best regards,
>  Matthieu
>  --
>  Matthieu Rigal
>  Product Development
>  RapidEye AG                           Tel: +49-(0)3381-89 04 331
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