[gdal-dev] compiling GDAL with GEOS on Windows
Christopher Barker
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Fri Oct 2 12:20:56 EDT 2009
Yilmaz Arslanoglu wrote:
> I was considering too
> to utilize
> the Natural Neighbours concept, not only for nearest neighbour
> identification, but also for
> interpolating the values attributed to spatial points.
If you google for "triangulation" and "Delaunay" you'll find lots of
references and code.
One good one to take a look at is Jonathan Shewchuk's "triangle"
It is fast, robust, and pretty easy to use -- it is a command line
program, and can also be compiled as a library. I think it will do
linear interpolation of values to new points for you.
It may have licensing issues -- it one of those annoying "free for
academic use" clauses, but no standard open source license.
You also may want to take a look at ucar's ntagrid:
> since one needs to adapt the tesellation with the newly inserted query
> point at eachnew query.
I don't think Triangle has an API for that, but it does dynamically add
points itself when you ask it to create a "quality" triangulation, so
you may be able to hook into that.
As I think about it, though, I'm not sure you need to do that. If you
are linearly interpolation among your known points (that is, fitting a
plane to the thre points of the traingle that your new point is in), you
don't need to include an added point when doing the next one -- yes it
might be a natural neighbor of a future point, but it will lie on teh
same plane, so it won't change the result. If you do a fancier
interpolation, it may make a difference.
As it happens, I need to do something very similar soon, so I'd love to
hear what you come up with.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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