[gdal-dev] Output MapInfo File with CoordSys Information

Reinaldo escada Chohfi reinaldo at geodesign.com.br
Wed Oct 7 12:33:34 EDT 2009

Hi Frank & List

I tested the program below but it does not out put the .tab or
.mif/.mid with the coordinate system.  It is always non-earth. 
Could you please check it against your gdal/ogr installation to see
if something went  wrong during my compilation of gdal 1.6.2?

Thanks a lot,



#include "gdal.h"

#include "ogr_spatialref.h"

#include "ogrsf_frmts.h"

#include "stdio.h"

double Lat[3], Lon[3];

int n=0; char *pszWKT = NULL;

void main()


 OGRSpatialReference oSRS;

// oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS( "EPSG:4326" );

 oSRS.importFromMICoordSys( "CoordSys Earth Projection 1,
104" );

 const char *pszDriverName = "MapInfo File" ;

 OGRSFDriver *poDriver;


    poDriver =

pszDriverName );

    if( poDriver == NULL )


        printf( "%s driver not
available.\n", pszDriverName );

        exit( 1 );


 OGRDataSource *poDS;

 poDS = poDriver->CreateDataSource( "c:/test01.mif",

// poDS = poDriver->CreateDataSource( "c:/test01.tab",

    if( poDS == NULL )


        printf( "Creation of
output file failed.\n" );

        exit( 1 );


    OGRLayer *poLayer;

    poLayer = poDS->CreateLayer( "test01",
NULL, wkbPoint, NULL );

    if( poLayer == NULL )


        printf( "Layer creation
failed.\n" );

        exit( 1 );


 OGRFieldDefn oField0( "NAME1", OFTString );

 OGRFieldDefn oField1( "NAME2", OFTString );



 if( poLayer->CreateField( &oField0 ) != OGRERR_NONE )


        printf( "Creating Name
field failed.\n" );

        exit( 1 );


 if( poLayer->CreateField( &oField1 ) != OGRERR_NONE )


        printf( "Creating Name
field failed.\n" );

        exit( 1 );



.mif output:

Version 300

Charset "Neutral"

Delimiter ","

Columns 2

  NAME1 Char(32)

  NAME2 Char(32)


Point -45.13975272 -22.69426671

    Symbol (35,0,12)

Point -45.86066928 -23.21117775

    Symbol (35,0,12)

Point -44.33023872 -22.68505859375

    Symbol (35,0,12)


.mid output:




>> Reinaldo escada Chohfi wrote: 


>>> Hello List, 




>>> I am still trying to get a x,y (lon/Lat) point file in

> format 


>>> with 


>>> coordinate information. 




>>> I get the correct MapInfo files out (.tab or .mif) with the

> points 


>>> and 


>>> attributes, but without the CoordSys information. 


>>> The output file is always Non-Earth. 




>>> I've tried everything: 




>>> OGRSpatialReference oSRS; 


>>> oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS("EPSG:4326"); 


>>> oSRS.importFromMICoordSys( "CoordSys Earth Projection 1,

> 104" ); 






>>> Could someone PLEASE let me know what to do? 




>> Reinaldo, 




>> I just tried: 




>> ogr2ogr -skipfailures -f "MapInfo File" out.mif 

> GB4X0000.000 TUNNEL 




>> and this produced a mapinfo mid/mif fileset with "CoordSys



>> Projection 1, 104" as the coord sys line. I also tested a



>> program: 






>> #include "gdal.h" 


>> #include "ogr_spatialref.h" 




>> int main() 




>> { 


>> OGRSpatialReference oSRS; 




>> oSRS.importFromMICoordSys( "CoordSys Earth Projection 1, 

> 104" ); 


>> } 




>> and it appeared to correctly parse the Coordsys into a WGS84 srs.




>> I even tried: 




>> ogr2ogr -a_srs wgs84.wkt -skipfailures -f "MapInfo

> out.mif 


>> data/s57/GB4X0000.000 TUNNEL 




>> with wgs84.wkt holding: 














>> and things seemed to work. 




>> Can you provide a more complete example that is failing for you?




>> Best regards, 


>> -- 






>> I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, 


>> warmerdam at pobox.com 


>> light and sound - activate the windows |



>> and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for









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