答复: Re: [gdal-dev] different result of ogrinfo between GDAL/OGR and FWTools

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sun Oct 11 13:24:28 EDT 2009

Randy wrote:
> Mateusz,
> Thank you and Jukka!
> We know there is a ogrinfo application in GDAL/OGR after building GDAL from
> source on windows and also the FWTools has one too.
> When I use ogrinfo of FWTools by command line"ogrinfo -ro -al -q mys_57file.
> 000 |more", what I got was as follows(just some part of it):
> Layer name: BCNSPP
> OGRFeature<BCNSPP>:6
> RCID <Integer>=7
> PRIM<Integer>=1
> GRUP<Integer>=2
> OBJL<Integer>=9
> RVER<Integer>=1
> AGEN<Integer>=550
> FIDN<Integer>=2738
> LNAM<String>=022608917DEF0AB2
> LNAM_REFS<StringList>=<1: 022608917DEF0AB2>
> LNAME_RIND<IntegerList>=<1:2>
> BCNSHP <Integer>=<NULL>
> CATSPM<String>=27
> COLOUR<String>=
> COLPAT<String>=<NULL>
> CONDTN<Integer>=<NULL>
> CONRAD<Integer>=<NULL>
> CONVIS<Integer>=<NULL>
> DATEND<Integer>=<NULL>
> DATSTA<Integer>=<NULL>
> ....
> POINT<-177.639010000000001 68.3285500000007>
> Then I use the ogrinfo from GDAL/OGR, the following was what I could got:
> Layer name: Point
> OGRFeature<Point>:6
> RCID <Integer>=7
> PRIM<Integer>=1
> GRUP<Integer>=2
> OBJL<Integer>=9
> RVER<Integer>=1
> AGEN<Integer>=550
> FIDN<Integer>=2738
> LNAM<String>=022608917DEF0AB2
> LNAM_REFS<StringList>=<1: 022608917DEF0AB2>
> LNAME_RIND<IntegerList>=<1:2>
> POINT<-177.639010000000001 68.3285500000007>
> Yes, maybe you've see the last one lost a feature's attribute subfield like
> CATSPM. And when I retrieve feature's fields in my own application, I
> couldn’t get attributes' fields either.

I'm confused, I don't recognise this output and its formatting.
The ogrinfo output looks like this:

  LATITUDE (Real) =      52.2347283333
  LONGITUDE (Real) =      21.0829150000
  ALTITUDE (Real) =         162.500
  EASTING (Real) =          21.083
  NORTHING (Real) =          52.235
  UTCDATE (Date) = 2008/02/14
  UTCTIME (String) = 001121
  SOG (Real) =    4.9
  COG (Real) = 273.6
  MAG_VAR (Real) =   0.0
  SATS_USED (Integer) = 5
  HPE (Real) = (null)
  VPE (Real) = (null)
  EPE (Real) = (null)
  HDOP (Real) =    1.7
  VDOP (Real) =    2.9
  PDOP (Real) =    3.4
  QUALITY (Integer) = 1
  DIFF_AGE (Real) = (null)
  DIFF_ID (Integer) = (null)
  DEPTH (Real) =     0.0
  DEPTH_OFF (Real) =   0.0
  WATERTEMP (Real) =   0.0
  POINT (21.082915000000003 52.234728333333337 162.5)

Note the round brackets not <>, lower case (null) not upper case <NULL>,
equal sign with spaces around, etc.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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