[gdal-dev] gdal.h: No such file or directory

Riki Tiki mongoose_riki at mail.ru
Mon Oct 12 17:21:16 EDT 2009


I am using bloodshed dev-C++...

I have written only this

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gdal.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  return 0;

Before compiling it i have installed the FWTools2.4.5,
all header files are located in 

C:\Program Files\FWTools2.4.5\include

Now before compiling and running above program
i have added to the 

Tools->Compiler Options->Directories->Libraries

the above path of the fwtools' include folder...


when i compile and run it... it says the following:
C:\...\main.c gdal.h: No such file or directory. 
C:\...\Makefile.win [Build Error]  [main.o] Error 1 

can you help me to solve the problem? 

thanks a lot in advance.


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