[gdal-dev] GetFileList doesn't return the list of files associated

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Thu Oct 15 14:51:04 EDT 2009

Selon Juan Rapoport <juanrapoport at suremptec.com.ar>:


GetFileList() is a relatively new feature in GDAL long history, so not all
drivers implement it : the default implementation just returns the name of the
main file passed to GDALOpen. I've just changed the FAST driver to return the
filenames of the bands. Done in trunk in

Best regards,

> Hello,
> I'm trying to use the GetFileList() function with a FAST-L7A image; it's
> supposed to return a list with the files associated with the dataset, but it
> only returns the administrative file (the _HRF.FST file). How can I get the
> complete list o files?
> Thanks
> --
> Juan Rapoport
> SUR Emprendimientos Tecnológicos
> Ing. Huergo 1189 (C1007AOL)
> Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
> Tel. +54 (11) 5811-4552   ext. 107
> juanrapoport at suremptec.com.ar
> www.suremptec.com

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