[gdal-dev] how to test the creation and deletion capability of ogr?

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Mon Oct 19 13:27:44 EDT 2009

Selon atubar <atubar at 126.com>:

> Here is my local code and result, is there something wrong?

No, its's fine.

> char ** SUBDATASETS = GDALGetMetadata( (GDALDatasetH)m_pSrcDataset,
> After anterior code, for GTiff dataset, it return a NULL result.
> So I am puzzled that whether  SUBDATASETS shared for GTiff?

For the vast majority of TIFF files, getting NULL is indeed the expected result.
GDAL will only expose data in the SUBDATASETS domain if you have several IFD
(Image File Directory) in the TIFF, and if they are not pyramids or transparency

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