[gdal-dev] ECW projection data using Dataset.GetProjectionRef()

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 14:49:55 EDT 2009


I guess you should make some of the GDAL support files (like ecw_cs.wkt)
available to load by the driver. You should either set up the GDAL_DATA
environment variable to point to the location of the file, or just copy the
file into your directory from where the executable is running.

Best regards,


2009/10/20 Kris Pribadi <kpribadi at rscusa.com>

>  Hi:
> I am a new GDAL user using C#.
> I am using C# implementation of GDAL from FW_Tools. I am trying to write a
> C# program similar to gdalinfo to extract the metadata from raster files.
> It is working fine with GeoTiff files, but having problem reading ECW
> metadata file. The spatial projection  “_projectionWKT” info returns
> “null”. However, when I use gdalinfo, it prints out the ECW file coordinate
> system as WGS_84, which is correct. Does gdalinfo assume “WGS_84” if
> GetProjectionRef() is null? How does it get the projection info from ECW
> file?
> I appreciate any help or suggestions.
> Thanks
> Kris
> This is the fields definition:
>   OSGeo.GDAL.Dataset _ds;
>         SpatialReference _srs;
>         SpatialProjectionInfo _projectionInfo;
> This is my program:
>                 OSGeo.GDAL.Gdal.AllRegister(); //Register drivers.
>                 OSGeo.OGR.Ogr.RegisterAll();
>                 _ds = OSGeo.GDAL.Gdal.Open(Filename, OSGeo.GDAL.Access.GA_ReadOnly);
> //Open dataset from files
>                 if (_ds == null)
>                 {
>                     throw new Exception("The files could not be loaded");
>                 }
>                 //TODO May fail if wrong file type?
>                 _ds.GetGeoTransform(_dbGeoTrans);
>                 //TODO projectionWKT may be null if no info from the file.
>                 //THIS RETURNS NULL FOR “ECW” FILES
>                 _projectionWKT = _ds.GetProjectionRef();
>                 Console.WriteLine("Projection WKT: " + _projectionWKT);
>                 //Get Spatial Information
>                 _projectionInfo = new SpatialProjectionInfo(projectionWKT);
>                 bool _IsGeopgraphic = _projectionInfo.IsGeographic;
>                 bool _IsProjected = _projectionInfo.IsProjected;
>                 _srs = _projectionInfo.SpatialReference;
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