[gdal-dev] Missing msvcr80.dll ?

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Fri Sep 4 08:52:28 EDT 2009

Joaquim Luis wrote:
> Harsh Govind wrote:
>> And unlike previous versions (msvcrt71) you cannot copy over 8.0 
>> versions dlls from somewhere to your application directory in order to 
>> make it work. The solution per Martin's suggestion is to install 
>> vcredist.exe.
> Excuse the ingenuity, but than why build GDAL with MSVC > 2003?
> Why introducing this pain? What is the gain?

One could ask why to build GDAL using GCC 3.x+ ?
It's perfectly valid to ask users to install re-distributable
package of C/C++ Run Time libraries as it is valid to
ask for version 5 or 6 of libc.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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