[gdal-dev] pixel/line mapping for two images.

Belaid MOA belaid_moa at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 12 03:06:48 EDT 2009

Hi everyone,
  I have two elementary questions about how GDAL maps the pixel/line of one image to an other image.
Suppose we have two GeoTiff images with different spatial resolutions  and projections. 
According to GDAL code, a pixel/line (i,j), more precisely its center (i+0.5,j+0.5), of the first image is mapped to the pixel/line (p,q) of the second image, where p and q are doubles that usually have fraction parts. 
My questions are: what is the meaning for these fractions? Is it possible to use these fractions to compute the overlap between
the pixels of the two images using GDAL?

 Any help on this is very appreciated!
 Thank you very much in advance.



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