[gdal-dev] Motion: Commit Access for Jorge Arévalo

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sat Sep 26 12:45:00 EDT 2009

Selon Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at gmail.com>:


Best regards


> Dear PSC,
> I would like to nominate Jorge Arévalo for SVN commit access provided he
> agrees with RFC 3.
> Jorge has already done a great work in implementing the GDAL WKT Raster
> driver and has already demonstrated his expertise in coding GDAL within the
> scope of the Google Summer of Code. The code as it stands is already usable
> and will be committed in the -trunk shortly. Jorge has also scheduled futher
> enhancements to be done with the driver and he denoted his willingness to
> maintain the driver and fix up things as required.
> I'm starting with my +1 to this motion.
> Best regards,
> Tamas

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