[gdal-dev] Setting ENVI .hdr band names

Benjamin Welton benjamin.r.welton at wmich.edu
Fri Apr 2 16:50:21 EDT 2010

Hey Frank,

    Im currently not running 1.7+ (still on the 1.6 line). It doesnt 
appear to be working in 1.5/1.6 for me. I looked at the source code real 
quick for envidataset.cpp and it looks like
someone might have already addressed this issue between 1.6->1.7.

Ill put 1.7 on a VM and run my code to see if it works in the next day 
or so.

Thanks for the response,

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Benjamin Welton wrote:
>> Hey all,
>>    Im wondering if its possible to set the band names that appear in 
>> the ENVI header file instead of having the default band 1, band 
>> 2,.... (which looks kinda messy)
> Ben,
> Reviewing the current envidataset.cpp code, it seems that either 
> band_names
> and wavelength fields are used for the band descriptions if they are 
> available.
> Are you using GDAL 1.7+?  If so, perhaps you could file a ticket on the
> issue and attach your envi header file.
> Best regards,

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