[gdal-dev] DEM format and what difference between dem and geotiff

Chaitanya kumar CH chaitanya.ch at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 00:34:45 EDT 2010


DEM = Digital Elevation Model

.img = Irdas Imagine Format

DEM can be represented in most raster formats.
Refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_elevation_model

2. There is only one band because there is only the elevation data to store.
The colour table takes care of the colours.

2010/4/7 weixj2003ld <weixj2003ld at 163.com>

> 1.I use GDAL to read a DEM file,and its extension is .img ,what other
> extensions for DEM file?
> 2.When I reand a geotff file and a dem file,I find that the dfference
> between them as follows:
>   geotiff:             Dem
>      GetDriver()->GetDescription()
> :                                                         GTiff,
>      GetDriver()->GetMetadatItem(GDAL_DMD_LONGNAME):
> GeoTIFF     Drdas Imagine Images(.img)
> bandnumber
> 6                 1
> Now,I want to know that,the bandnumber of DEM file is always 1?
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Best regards,
Chaitanya kumar CH.
/tʃaɪθənjə/ /kʊmɑr/
17.2416N 80.1426E
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