[gdal-dev] Translating from to JPEG2000 to ECW

Wickes wickestheweakestgimp at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 7 08:51:30 EDT 2010

I've got a problem translating a large JPEG2000 image to ECW. I'm using:
gdal_translate -of ECW -co "LARGE_OK=YES" input.jp2 output.ecw

Shortly after 10% of processing I get some sort of memory error. The gist of
it is:
ECW Exception
An Access Violation Exception occurred at code address 0x4a4d64 attempting
to READ from memory address 0x0.
Dump: {large string of characters}
Strack Trace:

I've tried adding in various switches including --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 2500
and --config GDAL_ECW_CACHE_MAXMEM 500 to try and limit the amout of memory
with no success.

Has anyone got any suggestions why this might be? The image is around 300Mb
as JP2 (size approx: 40000x 40000) and came from ENVI (highly compressed).
I'm on XP, using 3Gb of RAM and using FWTools 2.3.0 (GDAL 1.7).

View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Translating-from-to-JPEG2000-to-ECW-tp4864713p4864713.html
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