[gdal-dev] Creating a .tab file with proper coordinates precision
Pavel Iacovlev
iacovlev.pavel at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 17:17:19 EDT 2010
I am trying to convert data from postgis to a .tab file using ogr2ogr
with partial success.
Thanks to Frank Frank W I have understood how the format stores the
coordinates and that their precision depends on the mao extent.
The data is in MOLDREF99 projection and I want to define it's extents
to the destination file, currently mitab driver just writes BOUNDS
(-30000000, -15000000) (30000000, 15000000).
1) How can I assign the bounds to a certain projection ?
2) Is it possible to create a dsco option for custom extents ?
The definition of my projection (EPSG:4026 MOLDREF99) is:
Mapinfo: "MOLDREF99\p4026", 2008, 33, 7, 28.4, 0, 0.99994, 200000,
-5000000, 0, 0, 400000, 400000
Proj4: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=28.4 +k=0.999940 +x_0=200000
+y_0=-5000000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=-0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
I have tried ogr2ogr with -a_srs /path/to/my/projection.prj with the
following contents
"MOLDREF99\p4026", 2008, 33, 7, 28.4, 0, 0.99994, 200000,-5000000, 0,
0, 400000, 400000 Bounds (67596, 36694) (335566, 373037)
Also (for test, taken from the example in mitab_bounds.cpp)
CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 24, "m", -63, 0, 0.9996, 500000, 0 Bounds
(-7746230.6469039, -9998287.383889269) (8746230.6469039,
Both fail with the following error:
Warning 503: Some objects were written outside of the file's
predefined bounds. These objects may have invalid coordinates when the
file is reopened. Predefined bounds: (-1000,-1000)-(1000,1000)
Are there any other ways around this ?
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