[gdal-dev] kyngchaos Framework build doesn't support OGDI

William Kyngesburye woklist at kyngchaos.com
Thu Apr 22 13:13:58 EDT 2010

... the NGA data works for me.  Including PPC Leopard (I only tested Intel yesterday).

Can you double-check that it's not working using my framework?

For your own build, note that there is some patching I do to get the OGDI library to function smoothly, so you can specify 'vrf'.  Without the patches you need to specify the full path to the OGDI/vrf library binary (and the library doesn't compile properly anyways).  See my OGDI build page:


On Apr 22, 2010, at 11:56 AM, Christopher Barker wrote:

> William Kyngesburye wrote:
>> The test dataset works for me with my 1.7.1-1 release builds, on both Leopard and Snow.
> I'm testing on Leopard, PPC, for what that's worth.
>> Do you have a quick link for that NGA data?
> You can get it from:
> https://www1.nga.mil/ProductsServices/NauticalHydrographic/NauticalCharts/Pages/default.aspx
> though the download site appears to be down at the moment.
> Here is the one I'm trying:
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/855965/a1610880.zip
> Thanks,
> -Chris
William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

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