[gdal-dev] Integer error in creating bigtiff image

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Tue Aug 24 15:33:20 EDT 2010


No, the spirce image is probably just fine. This error basically means that an 
internal buffer of the warper code would need to be larger than 2 GB ( 29400 * 
19377 * 4 = 2.2 GB), which cannot be satisified on 32 bit systems. The root 
cause is likely to be the huge value of the -wm parameter (4000 = 4 GB). Try 
reducing under 2000 and it should work better. A too big value for the -wm 
parameter can even sometimes affect speed negatively, and that'd probably the 
case for your example where you are merging a lot of individual files into a 
big one.

Le mardi 24 août 2010 21:05:08, Doug_Newcomb at fws.gov a écrit :
> Hi folks,
> I'm working with someone trying to merge and reproject 1108 4 band tiff
> images into 1 BIGTIFF image.  The command line options are as follows:
>  gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:26918 -t_srs EPSG:32119 -wo 'SOURCE_EXTRA=3' -wo
>  'SKIP_NOSOURCE=YES' -wm 4000 --config 'GDAL_CACHEMAX=2000' -tps -rcs
>  -srcnodata '0' -of GTIFF -co 'BIGTIFF=YES' -co 'TFW=YES' -tr 1 1
>  /work/lisa/utm18/*.tif
>  /work/lisa/reprojected_and_merged/naip_utm18_32119.tif
> The process stops with the following error:
> ERROR 1: Integer overflow : nDstXSize=29400, nDstYSize=19377
> The command worked fine with 33 tiff images.  The individual is using gdal
> 1.7.2 on 64 bit linux.
> Googling a bit and grepping the source code makes me think the problem is
> in reading the a tiff file, perhaps a badly formatted input tiff image?
> I suggested that the user try smaller chunks based on latitude rather than
> the whole utem zone for the state.
> Thoughts?
> Doug
> Doug Newcomb
> Raleigh, NC
> 919-856-4520 ext. 14 doug_newcomb at fws.gov
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------ The opinions I express are my own and are
> not representative of the official policy of the U.S.Fish and Wildlife
> Service or Dept. of the Interior.   Life is too short for undocumented,
> proprietary data formats.

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