[gdal-dev] Re: Require Help Transforming into Equirectangular

ssobieraj ssobieraj at cdlsystems.com
Wed Dec 1 10:31:49 EST 2010

Hi Vincent,

By using the statement that you provided, I was able to produce an image
with an offset of around 1km.  Much better than before, but still in need of

Could you shed some light on how +wktext works?  It isn't listed as a
parameter at  http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/wiki/GenParms
http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/wiki/GenParms .  

Since the statement you provide assumes a spherical earth in the output
image (R=6371007.181) and I require that the data be on the WGS84 ellipsoid,
I went and replaced the +R... with +ellps=WGS84, I am back to square one.

Given that both PRJ files were produced correctly, what am I doing wrong?

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Require-Help-Transforming-into-Equirectangular-tp5789691p5792285.html
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