[gdal-dev] Error reading long numbers as integer

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Mon Dec 6 14:56:14 EST 2010

> I have created a ticket for the NAS reader. Long numbers (13 digits) are
> read as integer. Maybe there are more drivers who have the same trouble.

Yes, this is an issue that can be potentially found in other drivers. The 
situation could improve if/when RFC 31 / OGR 64bit integer is adopted.

For the time being, I've made a change in the GML driver so that it fallbacks 
to Real when it detects an integer that cannot fit into 32bit. Not ideal, but 
better than arbitrary truncation.

> I have tested some workarounds. Changing the attribut definition in gfs
> file is successful, when destination driver is PGdump or Postgresql
> (create mode).

Which change did you make exactly ? Change from Integer to Real ?

> With Postgresql driver as destination ogr2ogr convert the
> 13 digits number always to integer in append mode and ignoring table
> definition.

I'm a bit skeptical about that one. Which exact commands did you use ?

> I tested with gdal SVN21189.
> Gr
> Ralf

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