[gdal-dev] gdal_translate: GDAL: Should not happen. Cannot find
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Wed Dec 8 08:45:14 EST 2010
yes the warning was a minor annoyance but should not have caused any problem.
I've just pushed as fix in SVN so it doesn't appear in that situation. It's
linked to the caching mechanism behind VRTs that differ the opening of dataset
until real I/O is required. There are some complexicities/tricks in the
implementation to pretend that the "proxy" dataset is shared, whereas it isn't
really (and can't be). oh well, I stop here as I guess it doesn't make any sense
to outsiders. If you're interested in the details and have a few hours and
aspirin, go have a look at gcore/gdalproxypool.cpp, frmts/vrt/vrtsources.cpp and
gcore/gdaldataset.cpp and how they interact ;-)
> Hi,
> This is most likely a minor issue, but it looks to me that the above
> "should not happen" message always appears when gdal_translating a .vrt
> file that refers to an .asc file. There are 2 GDALClose() for the .asc.
> Hermann
> $ gdal_translate --debug on laea_grid.vrt laea_grid.tif \
> -co compress=lzw -co tiled=yes
> GDAL: GDALOpen(laea_grid.vrt, this=0x236e6d0) succeeds as VRT.
> Input file size is 10000, 10000
> 0GDAL: GDALDefaultOverviews::OverviewScan()
> GDAL: GDALOpen(GTIFF_RAW:laea_grid.tif, this=0x2372180) succeeds as GTiff.
> GDAL: GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster(): 9728*256 swaths, bInterleave=0
> AAIGrid: Loaded SRS from laea_grid.prj
> GDAL: GDALOpen(laea_grid.asc, this=0x24324b0) succeeds as AAIGrid.
> ...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
> GDAL: GDALClose(laea_grid.tif, this=0x2372180)
> GDAL: GDALClose(laea_grid.vrt, this=0x236e6d0)
> GDAL: GDALClose(laea_grid.asc, this=0x24324b0)
> GDAL: GDALClose(laea_grid.asc, this=0x2371ad0)
> GDAL: Should not happen. Cannot find laea_grid.asc, this=0x2371ad0 in
> phSharedDatasetSet
> GDAL: GDALDeregister_GTiff() called.
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