[gdal-dev] Can't make Python binding work

Martin Hvidberg Martin at Hvidberg.net
Sun Dec 12 06:48:48 EST 2010

I'm trying to install and use GDAL in Python, and there seems to be 
something very fundamental that I'm missing.

To start with the problem... In a new python file I write:


     fromosgeo importgdal



When run it replies:

Traceback (most recent call last):

_File "C:\Martin\Work_Eclipse\Hilfe\src\check_GDAL.py", line 8, in <module>_

         import gdal

ImportError: No module named gdal

To me that translates into, Python can't find the GDAL modules.

I'm running on a win-xp computer, I use python 2.6 as I recently 
upgraded to ArcGIS 10. Before that I used GDAL with Python 2.5 (and 
ArcGIS 9.x) that worked just fine.

I have no problems calling other Python add-ons, e.g. numpy.

I using GDAL from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/GDAL/

I downloaded http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/win32/1.6/gdalwin32exe160.zip

After unzipping to a dir of my choice I included the .../bin dir in my 
'path' and created a 'GDAL_DATA' environment variable pointing to .../data

It then looks like this:

C:\>echo %PATH%


C:\>echo %GDAL_DATA%


As I read the installation guide it should do it -- but it doesn't, as 
the code sample above indicates.

Though not mentioned in the installation guide, I also created an 
environmental variable PYTHONPATH, including the .../bin directory



Unfortunately this makes no deference to the program.

*Question 1*: Are there any problems in using GDAL 1.6 with Python 2.6 
on a win-xp?

Looking into ...\gdalwin32-1.6\bin\ in find no *.py files (nor *.pyc)

I would have expected some files with python extensions.

I also expected a file with the name 'osgeo.*' or 'gdal.*', since this 
is what the Pyhon import statement try to import. Alternatively a .zip 
file with such files inside. But non of that is in the 
...\gdalwin32-1.6\* to be found.

*Question 2: *Am I missing something here? How is this binding supposed 
to work? What file exactly is the import statement supposed to find, 
that will enable it to include osgeo functionality?

Best Regards


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