[gdal-dev] Disable PHP (and Ruby ?) bindings from GDAL configure ?

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Tue Dec 21 14:56:23 EST 2010


I'm wondering if it still makes sense to list the PHP bindings in the configure 
script as they are unmaintained and probably broken partially / completely, as 
new typemaps have been added since the time they were first introduced.

Users would still be able to cd swig/php; make build; make install if they 
really want to try them.

On the other hand, I'd note that the csharp bindings are functionnal for Linux 
but not listed as an option of ./configure, so it's quite paradoxical to list 
known-to-be-broken PHP bindings...

We could wonder about the Ruby bindings situation that lack for maintener love 
as well. The situation is a bit different here since I see that at least Fedora 
and Debian still package them, so I guess they must be still functionnal to a 
minimum extent...

Best regards,


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