[gdal-dev] ogr2ogr PGSQL_OGR_FID is not work

Christian.Strobl at dlr.de Christian.Strobl at dlr.de
Mon Feb 1 09:48:35 EST 2010

hi all,

at http://n2.nabble.com/GDAL-Dev-f2022644.html i found one thread with the same problem but unfortunately no answer. 


if i try the following command

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL -nln newlayer -nlt MULTIPOLYGON PG:"host=localhost user=admin password=xxx dbname=mydb" PG:"host=localhost user=admin password=yyy dbname=otherdb" oldlayer -lco PGSQL_OGR_FID=myid

everything works fine but the primary key remains at the column "ogc_fid" not at the column "myid". 

thanks for every help

p.s. at the gdal-dev mailing list (http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/) this thread seems not to exist. any explanation?

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