RE: [gdal-dev] Raster/vector intersections in PostGIS WKT Raster

Ivan Lucena ivan.lucena at
Thu Jul 1 10:59:45 EDT 2010


>  >Now, going back to the WKT Raster. I have loaded Raster on PostGIS before using TerraLib and I believe
>  >there is a very large project called TerraAmazon using that combination. In terms of query and
>  >functionality I know that TerraLib also does raster/vector intersection too but I am wondering how the
>  >overall raster performance comparison looks like; loading time, query time, limitations, etc.
>  You can do raster/vector intersection in SQL using TerraLib? Really? Please tell me how. Does TerraLib provide a SQL API for manipulating raster?

Did I said that? No, it doesn't. Not in SQL. Sorry for the misunderstanding. A raster object in TerraLib is an subtype of Geometry inheriting attributes and functionality (query). But the APIs are in C++ and PHP, I believe. I haven't look into it lately.

>  As far as I can see from the TerraLib doc, TerraLib implemented an Oracle like relational schema for raster: one table for the raster and one table for the associated tiles. WKT Raster is more simple and flexible in that everything is stored in one table. It is very similar to the PostGIS geometry schema: each raster tile, like a geometry, has its own identity and georeference.

Yes, I believe those feature are unique to WKT Raster. I mean, each tile having its own identity. That's what make me curious about performance. I guess I would need to try it myself.

Great Job, Congrats!


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