[gdal-dev] ERROR 1: Too many points (441 out of 441) failed to transform, , unable to compute output bounds.

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sun Jul 4 23:21:14 EDT 2010

Even or anyone,

I have made some progress, I think, in that all of the northern 
hemisphere files have been translated without error, but until I can get 
it working in mapserver to assess the results, I wont be sure.

But all of the southern hemisphere files now generate this error 
regardless of using --config CENTER_LONG 180 or not.

So what is the "standard" if there is one way of assessing how to deal 
with files like this. I have 882 .sid files 286 in the south and 596 in 
the north. I can script the conversion, but I'm not sure what I need to 
look for and what I need to do for any random file, like setting 
--config CENTER_LONG 180 or doing something else.

It seems like having a tool like this would make sense and be useful to 

So here is the info on the first of the southern files:

+ rm -f /geotiff/GeoCover2000TIF//s-01-00.tif
+ gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:32701 -of VRT 
/geotiff/GeoCover2000/s-01-00.sid -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 
Input file size is 26981, 38945
+ gdalwarp -srcnodata 0 -dstnodata 0 -s_srs EPSG:32701 -t_srs EPSG:4326 
-rb -wm 250 --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 250 --config GDAL_ONE_BIG_READ ON -co 
TILED=YES /geotiff/GeoCover2000TIF/tmp.vrt 
ERROR 1: Too many points (440 out of 441) failed to transform,
unable to compute output bounds.

  gdalinfo /geotiff/GeoCover2000TIF/tmp.vrt
Driver: VRT/Virtual Raster
Files: /geotiff/GeoCover2000TIF/tmp.vrt
Size is 26981, 38945
Coordinate System is:
PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 1S",
     GEOGCS["WGS 84",
             SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Origin = (499498.125000000000000,1011.750000000000000)
Pixel Size = (14.250000000000000,-14.250000000000000)
   IMAGE__CREATION_DATE=Mon Sep 22 13:29:44 2003

Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (  499498.125,    1011.750) (177d 0'0.00"W, 90d 0'0.00"S)
Lower Left  (  499498.125, -553954.500) (177d 0'0.00"W, 90d 0'0.00"S)
Upper Right (  883977.375,    1011.750) (177d 0'0.00"W, 90d 0'0.00"S)
Lower Right (  883977.375, -553954.500) (177d 0'0.00"W, 90d 0'0.00"S)
Center      (  691737.750, -276471.375) (177d 0'0.00"W, 90d 0'0.00"S)
Band 1 Block=128x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
Band 2 Block=128x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
Band 3 Block=128x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue


Even Rouault wrote:
>> So does --config CENTER_LONG 180 impact processing of files that are in
>> other UTM Zones? ie: can I just always use this or will if mess up other
>> files in some way?
> No, I'd advise against always using --config CENTER_LONG 180 if you want to be 
> able to deal with what lies at the west of the Greenwich meridian... (That 
> would probably work but the longitudes would not fit in the [-180,180] 
> interval as expected)
> Here's why (ogr/ogrct.cpp) :
>                     if( x[i] < dfTargetWrapLong - 180.0 )
>                         x[i] += 360.0;
>                     else if( x[i] > dfTargetWrapLong + 180 )
>                         x[i] -= 360.0;
>                 }
> So, if the coordinates are too far (more than 180 deg) from the center 
> longitude, 360 is added or substracted. That helps when you're warping from 
> UTM 1 to EPSG:4326 as part of the target coordinates are > 179 and part  
> < -179. The +360 will correct the ones < -179 so that they end up being at 
> the east of the ones > 179. 
> I imagine that some heuristics could be added to gdalwarp to detect your 
> situation and automatically add the --config CENTER_LONG 180, but there's 
> always the risk to break other working use cases, and anyway people should be 
> aware that there's probably some post-processing needed to deal with the fact 
> that the result doesn't fit in the [-180,180] interval.
>> Thanks,
>>    -Steve
>> Even Rouault wrote:
>>> Stephen,
>>> Obviously when dealing with UTM zone 1 or 60, you can expect some issues
>>> :-)
>>> The spatial extent of your source file is the following :
>>> Upper Left  (  116009.250,  276735.000) (179d32'52.82"E,  2d29'56.85"N)
>>> Lower Left  (  116009.250,    -997.500) (179d33'4.57"E,  0d 0'32.43"S)
>>> Upper Right (  883970.250,  276735.000) (173d32'53.48"W,  2d29'56.85"N)
>>> Lower Right (  883970.250,    -997.500) (173d33'5.24"W,  0d 0'32.43"S)
>>> Center      (  499989.750,  137868.750) (177d 0'0.33"W,  1d14'50.42"N)
>>> Which means its crossing the dateline meridian, a never ending source of
>>> problems, in particular for gdalwarp...
>>> There's luckily a workaround. You can give a hint to the warping
>>> algorithm by specifying the center longitude of the area of interest.
>>> Try this : gdalwarp --config CENTER_LONG 180 -s_srs EPSG:36001 -t_srs
>>> EPSG:4326 source_dataset out.tif
>>> The longitude extent of the out.tif will be approx. between 179.55 and
>>> 186.44, which might cause issues in number of applications that would
>>> expect the longitude to be in the [-180,180] range. In that case, you'd
>>> likely need to cut it into 2 pieces, at the west and east of longitude
>>> 180 with gdal_translate.
>>> (You could also try with CENTER_LONG set at -180, which would leave to
>>> simular results, but with extent centered around -180 ...)
>>> Best regards,
>>> Even

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