[gdal-dev] python bindings: strange behavior with layer

Python Gis pygis2010 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 21 03:18:36 EDT 2010

 > drv_shp and shp_ds are going out of scope.  Use
> ogr.Open, which will take care of all of this for you.

Thanks Howard
I am using now ogr.Open but there is still the same problem. Looks like I need to reopen the layer in each method, as far as it seems it cannot exist the layer without its datasource in the same context.
Or am I wrong?

this is my new code:

def getLayer2(shape_fullname):
    ds = ogr.Open(shape_fullname, 0)
    layer = ds.GetLayer(0)
    print 'Name from method: %s' % layer.GetName()
    return layer;

layer = getLayer2('output/myshape.shp')
print 'Name from main: %s' % layer.GetName()

still a segmentation fault in the second print statment
best regards


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