[gdal-dev] Trouble with gdal2tiles.py

Brett Walker brett.walker at geometryit.com
Thu Jul 29 02:50:43 EDT 2010

I'm trying to produce a tile matrix set from geocoded tiffs using gdal2tiles.py but I am having trouble with the last step in  the process.

As an example I have a BSB file from NOAA which is a navigational map of Lake Pend Oreille in Idaho. The map has a SRS of WGS84 and a Mercator projection.

I initially translate the file from BSB format to GTiff format using the following command:

> gdal_translate -of GTiff noaa\18554_1.kap noaa.tif

I can view this GTiff file using Paint Shop Pro quite fine. I then translate the file from GTiff format to VRT format using the following command:

> gdal_translate -of vrt -expand rgba noaa\noaa.tif noaa\noaa.vrt

I then try to generate a tile matrix set using the following command:

> gdal2tiles.py noaa\noaa.vrt noaa

But get the follwoing error:

> ERROR 1: failed to load NAD27-83 correction file
> ERROR 1: GDALSuggestedWarpOutput() failed because the passed
> transformer failed.
> usage: Usage: gdal2tiles.py [options] input_file(s) [output]
> gdal2tiles.py: error: Size of the pixel in the output differ for X and Y axes.
Am I missing something?

My system is Windows Vista (32-bit). I'm using GDAL v1.6.0 win32 binary, GDAL v1.6.0 python package, PROJ4 v4.4.6 win32 binary, NumPy v1.2.1 for win32 and Python v2.4.1
I have set all the appropriate system variables and copied files to approprate locations. This was done following the guidelinse at http://www.gis.usu.edu/~chrisg/python/2009/docs/gdal_win.pdf except that I omitted steps 3f and 3g.

Hope you can help.

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