[gdal-dev] couldn't create vrt file
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sun Jun 27 13:32:42 EDT 2010
There are 2 issues :
* one with the CSV file
You should remove the simple quotes after POLYGON(( and before )), but enclose
the whole WKT inside ASCII double quotes, like this :
"1","POLYGON((501453.34 4800585.97,501576.14 4800590.44,501569.85
4800522,501471.61 4800521.63,501453.34 4800585.97))"
* one with the VRT file
You have used the non-ASCII double quote character on the <GeometryField>
line. Replace them with the ASCII double quote character
<OGRVRTLayer name="polygon1">
<SrcDataSource >polygon1.csv</SrcDataSource>
<GeometryField encoding="WKT" field="wkb_Polygon"/>
Best regards,
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