[gdal-dev] gdalwarp large imagery
Shaun Kolomeitz
shaun.kolomeitz at derm.qld.gov.au
Sun Jun 27 18:58:30 EDT 2010
I find reasonably acceptable performance with -wm 500 -config
GDAL_CACHEMAX 512 and reading from one disk located on one controller
and writing to another (preferably local and fast disk).
I also find working in the 64bit version of GDAL faster in my config
(Win 7 x64, SSD + SAS disk array).
From: GeoSpatial - Kevin [mailto:gs.kevin1 at gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 25 June 2010 5:30 PM
To: gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [gdal-dev] gdalwarp large imagery
Hi all,
I am trying to re-project a very large image (size 40,000 by 40,000
pixels, resolution ~120m) located at high latitudes (60N) to a standard
wgs84. By searching some previous posts, I come up with the following
gdalwarp -of EHdr -t_srs EPSG:4326 -tr 0.001111 0.001111 --config
GDAL_CACHEMAX 200 -wm 200 -wo SKIP_NOSOURCE=YES -r bilinear -multi
input_ice.tif output_ice.tif
it is working now but the speed is very slow - likely this will take 12
hours... Any way to speed up or am I wrong in selecting the parameters?
Many thanks.
Think B4U Print
1 ream of paper = 6% of a tree and 5.4kg CO2 in the atmosphere
3 sheets of A4 paper = 1 litre of water
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