[gdal-dev] Re: Error while using gdalwarp- Values become Zero

Hermann Peifer peifer at gmx.eu
Wed Jun 30 16:15:14 EDT 2010

Could it be that the top right corner of final.tif is simply outside the 
extent of translate.tif and filled with 0, during warping?


On 30/06/2010 15:32, Monica Buescu wrote:
> Greetings
> I have TIF file that I produced using gdal_translate. I used the
> following expression:
> "gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_ullr 350.25 42.75 354.75 36.75
> GRIB_tests/pt.grib GRIB_tests/translate.tif
> All values are ok and it seems to be working.
> Then, I decided to gdalwarp it with this command:
> gdalwarp -t_srs "EPSG:3763"   translate.tif final.tif.
> This final.tif is all ok except the top right corner where all values
> became 0.
> I have tried this methodology with other final EPSG (WGS-UTM for
> instance) and I didn't get this problem.
> Thanks fr your help
> Best regards,
> Monica
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