[gdal-dev] Storing Gdal datasets in Postgis

Jorge Arevalo jorgearevalo at gis4free.org
Mon Mar 1 05:03:04 EST 2010

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 2:51 PM, Ricardo Cezar Bonfim Rodrigues <
rikardocezar at msn.com> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I'm using Gdal to load dted files and get max elevations of a region, but I
> have constraints concerning speed. Inspite of loading geotifs generated from
> dted has reduced a lot the processing time, its still not enough to the
> constraints I have. I'm loading geotiffs which represents dted L1 files,
> reading its points using rasterIO and verifying the max elevation of a
> rectangle area given ( lat, lon, width).
> I've noticed the more expensive is the data reading, so I'm thinking about
> storing the dted (or geotiff) files in a Postgis. Would it increase the
> search speed?
> Does anyone know the best way to store dted files in a Postgis? I thought
> about storing geotiffs (generated from deted using gdal), but I dont now
> exactly how it would work. I know there are spatial queries in Postgis and I
> think it would be very useful in my case.
> I look forwarding to receving any tip of how to do this.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Ricardo Rodrigues
> Brazil
Hi Ricardo,

If you're planning to manage raster data in PostGIS, you should know we're
working in a new extension (WKT Raster). Check this:

It's under development yet, just like the GDAL WKT Raster driver:

Most of the spatial queries involving rasters are under development, I say,
but it may be useful for you in the future... Keep an eye.

Best regards,

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