[gdal-dev] AIG -- Arc/Info Binary Grid color table does not support alpha?

Kyle Shannon ksshannon at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 18:14:37 EDT 2010

I am doing a little work with the Arc/Info binary grids and noticed that the
AIGDataset::TranslateColorTable doesn't allow for an alpha channel in the
color table.  I checked the format documentation on
gdal.org/formats_list.html and didn't see any reference to colormaps.  Does
anyone know if the format has this restriction, or where I could look to
find out more?  Thanks.


# ============================
Kyle Shannon
Physical Science Technician
RMRS Fire Sciences Lab
Fire, Fuels & Smoke - RWU 4405
5775 Highway 10 W.
Missoula, MT 59808
kshannon at fs.fed.us
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