[gdal-dev] Delete a sqlite database

Ludovic Granjon ludovic.granjon at u-bourgogne.fr
Mon Nov 22 09:40:20 EST 2010

Le 22/11/2010 15:24, Frank Warmerdam a écrit :
> Ludovic Granjon wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I try in a python script to delete a sqlite database that I use in an 
>> OGR ExecuteSQL.
>> Let me give you an example :
>> If I do :
>> >>> from osgeo import *
>> >>> import os
>> >>> datasource = ogr.Open("decoupe.shp")
>> >>> layer = datasource.GetLayer()
>> >>> joinLayer=datasource.ExecuteSQL("SELECT decoupe.FID as ligne_id, 
>> c.lFid as ligne_id2, c.count as count FROM decoupe LEFT JOIN 
>> 'project.sqlite'.comptage c ON decoupe.FID=c.lFid")
>> >>> datasource.Destroy()
>> It seems that there still a connection to my sqlite database and I 
>> can't delete it.
>> When I try on MS Windows (There's no error on linux) :
>> >>> os.remove('project.sqlite')
>> I have :
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "<pyshell#5>", line 1, in <module>
>> os.remove('project.sqlite')
>> WindowsError: [Error 13] Le processus ne peut pas accéder au fichier 
>> car ce fichier est utilisé par un autre processus: 'project.sqlite'
>> Do you know a way to do that ?
> Ludovic,
> I think newish versions of the Python bindings attempt to keep the 
> datasource
> alive as long as their are references to layers from it.  I would suggest
> setting layer and joinLayer variables to None before calling destroy 
> on the
> datasource or even just setting the datasource to None.  I'm not 
> positive that
> this is the issue - perhaps you could let us know if it works.
> Best regards,
Thanks Franck for your answer

I try :
 >>> layer = None
 >>> joinLayer = None
 >>> datasource.Destroy()

and :
 >>> layer = None
 >>> joinLayer = None
 >>> datasource = None

But I have the same error.

Best regards

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