[gdal-dev] Unable to use geom.ExportToWkt() in Python ? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Pinner, Luke Luke.Pinner at environment.gov.au
Tue Nov 23 22:04:32 EST 2010

You are running into a python "gotcha" -

Your reference to the feature is going out of scope when you use the
"firstgeom  = layer.GetFeature(0).GetGeometryRef()" syntax. The
following works syntax fine:
feat       = layer.GetFeature(0)
firstgeom  = feat.GetGeometryRef()
print firstgeom.ExportToWkt()



From: gdal-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:gdal-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Gregor at HostGIS
Sent: Wednesday, 24 November 2010 1:50 PM
To: Frank Warmerdam
Cc: gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] Unable to use geom.ExportToWkt() in Python ?

That's strange, the docs show ExportAsWkt as being a method of a
Geometry, as does the source code for the Python wrapper. Well, you
would know best...

If I do spatialref.ExportAsWkt() it gives the WKT of the SRS, right?
What if I want a feature's geometry? Would I need to generate it myself
from the geometry type and iterating over the vertices?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

----- Reply message -----
From: "Frank Warmerdam" <warmerdam at pobox.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 23, 2010 6:31 pm
Subject: [gdal-dev] Unable to use geom.ExportToWkt() in Python ?
To: "Gregor at HostGIS" <gregor at hostgis.com>
Cc: <gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org>

Gregor at HostGIS wrote:
> Hey all. I am using the OGR binding for python, to open a SHP and
> a geometry's WKT. This works until I try to call geom.ExportToWkt() At

> that time I simply get "Premature end of script headers" Running it
> the command line I get a segmentation fault.
> The code snippet:
>     driver     = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
>     datasource = driver.Open(shapefile,0)
>     layer      = datasource.GetLayer()
>     spatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef()
>     firstgeom  = layer.GetFeature(0).GetGeometryRef()
>     wkt        = firstgeom.ExportToWkt()


Geometries do not have the ExportToWkt() method.  This is a method on
the ogr.SpatialReference class.

Perhaps try:
  wkt = spatialRef.ExportToWkt()

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
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