[gdal-dev] gdal_merge: stacking and band statistics

Matt Hanneman matt at globalforestwatch.ca
Wed Oct 20 16:50:58 EDT 2010


Can anyone help a newbie? I have been trying to calculate statistics 
with gdal_merge when merging/stacking several tiffs together into a HFA 
format (see below for syntax). However, when loaded into ArcGIS it 
reports that there are no statistics calculated for any of the bands. 
Will the 'STATISTICS' option not work when stacking multiple bands? As 
you can probably tell I am fairly new to this, so forgive my ignorance.

gdal_merge -co STATISTICS=YES -v -o "E:/Temp/A2E.img" -of HFA -separate 




*Matt Hanneman*
Director of GIS and Remote Sensing
Global Forest Watch Canada
10337 146 St, Edmonton, AB T5N 3A3
Tel: 780-422-5989 Fax: 780-454-5521
www.globalforestwatch.ca <http://www.globalforestwatch.ca/>


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