[gdal-dev] PDF-->JPEG-->KML. Confused about association between
KML bounding box and PDF's neatline and corner coordinates.
Boris Dev
boris.dev at gmail.com
Wed Oct 20 17:28:15 EDT 2010
thanks..I am almost there...I think I am making a simple usage typo?
gdalwarp without the option '-t_srs EPSG:4326' works OK.
But it doesnt work with the command written exactly as you have it
> gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 in.jpg out.jpg
After that command, I do not get anything processed (it just outputs to the
screen the usage info).
I also had no luck with trying different variations of the -t_srs option
such as
gdalwarp -t_srs "+proj=EPSG:4326" in.jpg out.jpg
I am using the most recent SVN GDAL.
> then use gdalinfo to get the corner coordinates.
> Currently the entire page of the PDF is rendered into the image. Perhaps
> we can convince Even to add an option to convert only the mapped area (or
> mask everything else?)
> Best Regards,
> Brent Fraser
> On 10/20/2010 8:07 AM, Boris Dev wrote:
> My objective is to make a KML ground overlay with a geospatial PDF map.
> Using GDAL's translate utility I have converted the PDF to a JPEG. The next
> step and problem for me is to write the text of the KML ground overlay,
> which requires a text of bounding box information like this:
> <LatLonBox>
> <north>37.91904192681665</north>
> <south>37.46543388598137</south>
> <east>15.35832653742206</east>
> <west>14.60128369746704</west>
> <rotation>-0.1556640799496235</rotation>
> </LatLonBox>
> As GDAL's output, I saw that the entire PDF with legend, title, etc and not
> just the map image was converted.
> As GDAL's output, I also saw 2 parts of data that seem they are useful to
> match a bounding box to the map within the jpeg, but I cant figure out the
> puzzle of how to make this work? Can I get the bounding box of the entire
> PDF image with this information below?
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left ( 666937.758, 2024687.983)
> Lower Left ( 666991.811, 2018338.153)
> Upper Right ( 674511.276, 2024754.795)
> Lower Right ( 674565.328, 2018404.965)
> Center ( 670751.543, 2021546.474)
> <MDI key="NEATLINE">POLYGON ((672676.488065659650601
> 2019417.955749646294862,672636.091432046378031
> 2024030.267778463661671,667347.405745737953112
> 2023983.612156898481771,667385.539170471020043
> 2019370.524140953086317,672676.488065659650601
> 2019417.955749646294862,672676.488065659650601
> 2019417.955749646294862,672676.488065659650601
> 2019417.955749646294862,672676.488065659650601
> 2019417.955749646294862))</MDI>
> I realize the coordinate above need to be converted to lat/long to be a KML
> ground overlay onto Google Maps, which I think I can handle.
> But I am unsure if I need to extract the map image from the jpeg using the
> How are the Corner Coordinates translated into a bounding box?
> Any suggestions?
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