[gdal-dev] ogr.UseExceptions() doesn't raise an exception on a non-existant dataset [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Thu Oct 21 01:59:46 EDT 2010

On 10/21/2010 04:58 AM, Pinner, Luke wrote:
> OGR doesn't raise an exception on attempting to open a non-existant
> dataset even if ogr.UseExceptions() has been called, GDAL does though.
> Is this intentional or a bug?


It is a (bit annoying feature admittedly) feature. If none of the 
available drivers open a data source based on the passed string, then 
OGROpen returns a null and barks only to debug stream if one is open. 
The swig wrappers (you're using Python swig wrappers) does not test this 
condition (no error but data source object null) and pass the null 
object up. So it is the app developer's responsibility to check for the 
returned data source object.

Best regards,


> GDAL version = 1.7.2
> from osgeo import gdal,ogr
> gdal.UseExceptions()
> ogr.UseExceptions()
> ds=ogr.Open('foo')
> #No exception raised by ogr
> ds=gdal.Open('foo')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<interactive input>", line 1, in<module>
> RuntimeError: `foo' does not exist in the file system,
> and is not recognised as a supported dataset name.
> Regards
> Luke
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