[gdal-dev] Coding for appending to a database in OGR

Peter J Halls P.Halls at york.ac.uk
Thu Oct 28 06:21:00 EDT 2010


    thank you for your response.  I had missed feat.SetFID, mentioned in the PG 
ticket, so will have a go with that.

    For the record, I'm currently working against the OCI driver but wish to be 
reasonably independent of the underlying database implementation - hence use of OGR.

Thanks and best wishes,


Even Rouault wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Do you mean that just after issuing a CreateFeature(), the feature ID isn't set
> to the correct value (the one that you'll find after dataset reopening) ?
> You have to be more specific about which OGR driver you are talking about
> because the mechanisms for setting/retrieving FID is driver specific.
> Perhaps a small snippet of code would help to understand what you do / would
> like to do.
> If you're interested in the PG driver, here's a relevant ticket :
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/3744
> Best regards,
> Even
>> Dear Team,
>>      I've reviewed the change log for release 8 so far and do not think that
>> this question is version specific.
>>      I'm coding to support an incremental process for loading a large spatial
>> database from a set of distribution objects.  I have noted that my present
>> approach results in the OGR_FID column values restarting at 1 for each
>> append.
>> This is clearly an error!  However, there does not appear to be a method for
>> initialising the 'nextfidtowrite' value in the API.  What is the best
>> strategy
>> to adopt?
>>      So far as I can see, there appear to be two options.  One is to read
>> every
>> feature until there are no more to read: I'd rather not do that.  The other
>> would involve opening the layer, reading the featurecount and then requesting
>> the featurecount'th feature - featurecount'th + 1 should give an error.  Both
>> methods should leave the current feature being the last existing feature, but
>> is
>> this sufficient to effectively initialise the value at which the next FID
>> will
>> start?
>> Thanks and best wishes,
>> Peter
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Peter J Halls, GIS Advisor, University of York
>> Telephone: 01904 323806     Fax: 01904 323740
>> Snail mail: IT Services, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD
>> This message has the status of a private and personal communication
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Peter J Halls, GIS Advisor, University of York
Telephone: 01904 323806     Fax: 01904 323740
Snail mail: IT Services, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD
This message has the status of a private and personal communication

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