[gdal-dev] Wrong parameter value for EPSG:3168 and EPSG:3375 (RSO)

Hilmy Hashim hilmyh at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 06:01:49 EDT 2011

Thanks very much Even. Good to know where the error is.


On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 4:50 PM, Even Rouault
<even.rouault at mines-paris.org>wrote:

> Selon Hilmy Hashim <hilmyh at gmail.com>:
> I can confirm the bug. It is in fact a bug in libgeotiff. I have reported
> it as
> http://trac.osgeo.org/geotiff/ticket/38 with an attached patch to fix it.
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I assigned geotiff raster an srs using gdal_translate with the EPSG
> number
> > as follows:
> >
> >   gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:3168 sourcefile destinationfile
> >
> > Using gdalinfo, I notice that the false_easting parameter is 0 where it
> > should be 804670.24
> >
> > Coordinate System is:
> > PROJCS["Kertau (RSO) / RSO Malaya (m)",
> >     GEOGCS["Kertau (RSO)",
> >         DATUM["Kertau_RSO",
> >             SPHEROID["Everest 1830 (RSO
> > 1969)",6377295.664,300.8017000000015,
> >                 AUTHORITY["EPSG","7056"]],
> >             AUTHORITY["EPSG","6751"]],
> >         PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
> >         UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
> >         AUTHORITY["EPSG","4751"]],
> >     PROJECTION["Hotine_Oblique_Mercator"],
> >     PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",4],
> >     PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",102.25],
> >     PARAMETER["azimuth",323.0257905],
> >     PARAMETER["rectified_grid_angle",323.1301023611111],
> >     PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.99984],
> >     PARAMETER["false_easting",0],
> >     PARAMETER["false_northing",0],
> >     UNIT["metre",1,
> >         AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],
> >     AUTHORITY["EPSG","3168"]]
> >
> > I am using OSGeo4W on Windows 7 64 bit (Gdal shell. It is the
> same
> > with gdal 1.6, 1.7, gdal-dev, gdal 1.7.2 on Ubuntu 10.04 and QGis 1.7
> (gdal
> > 1.8).
> >
> > I checked the OSGeo4W\share\proj\epsg file, but the values there are
> > correct. The anomaly also affects EPSG:3375 which uses the same
> projection.
> > QGis or Geoserver doesn't have a problem displaying the raster with the
> > assigned srs, so it looks like its just a problem with gdalinfo.
> >
> > regards
> >
> > *Hilmy*
> >
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