[gdal-dev] Inserting into PostGIS table with primary key using
Luca Sigfrido Percich
sigfrido at tiscali.it
Tue Dec 13 07:53:07 EST 2011
Il giorno mar, 13/12/2011 alle 13.18 +0100, Even Rouault ha scritto:
> Selon Luca Sigfrido Percich <sigfrido at tiscali.it>:
> Yes, when the driver detects a PK column, it considers it as the FID column,
> which is a particular column, different from the regular columns. So it will be
> ommited in the INSERT statements, unless the feature to be inserted as a FID
> value set. Which is not the case by default when using ogr2ogr.
> I'd suggest you to try to add the -preserve_fid option to ogr2ogr.
thank you, I missed the -preserve_fid option which is listed at the
beginning of the documentation page in http://www.gdal.org/ogr2ogr.html,
but is not further documented, so please add the description to the
With -preserve_fid the shapefile is being loaded with no errors; but the
values 0,1,2...n are inserted in the existing integer PK column: 0 in
the first row, 1 in the second and so on. So it seems that this option
ignores the PK values from the shapefile, too.
Following your explanation, I tried, to no avail, to tell OGR that my
column id is the FID, with
-sql "select id as FID, name, ogr_geometry from test_pk_data"
(tried also ogr_fid and ogc_fid aliases)
> Looking at the code (in trunk), it isn't obvious that the PG and SQLite driver
> would behave differently, but I haven't actually tried, and if you are not using
> trunk, it is possible that there have been changes that might have altered the
> behaviour w.r.t older GDAL/OGR versions.
Actually I'm compiling from trunk. I tested with a SQLite table with PK,
and the shapefile gets loaded with no complains.
I will send you a gz file with test shapefile and PG/SQLite SQL scripts.
I'm waiting your advice to file the bug.
Thanks again
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