[gdal-dev] Using GetCapabilities to configure wms

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Wed Dec 28 14:35:20 EST 2011

Le mardi 27 décembre 2011 18:46:16, Ramiro Gonzalez a écrit :
> Hi, I'd like to configure wms services using a simplified interface.
> GetCapabilities gives me the extent of the image using minX, minY, maxX and
> maxY values.
> Gdal wms driver requires UpperLeft and LowerRight coordinates.
> In EPSG:4326 UpperLeft=(minX, maxY) and LowerRight=(maxX, minY), but I
> can't use this mapping to every 'Image projection'

In the context of the WMS driver, you can assume that UpperLeft=(minX, maxY) 
and LowerRight=(maxX, minY) for other projections too. The WMS driver doesn't 
particularly take into account the meaning of the SRS to issue the WMS 

Where it becomes really fun is if you use WMS 1.3.0 where axis ordering issues 
are introduced in the equation ;-)

> I'd like to know how could I hide the conversion 'min/max->ul/lr' from the
> user.
> Thanks
> Ramiro

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