[gdal-dev] Problem reprojecting DEM lat long to utm

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Thu Feb 3 18:31:55 EST 2011

Le vendredi 04 février 2011 00:26:15, Horsto a écrit :
> Hi everybody,
> For hours I have been trying to reproject a dem-file to utm zone 40, using
> following command:
> gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=40 +datum=WGS84' srtm_47_05.tif dem.tif
> It seems that the coordinate system remains in old parameters. When I load
> the file in Q-GIS, the map is not located on other correctly projected
> UTM-40-maps but far away (as it should be with the Center coordinate
> 52.5000005,  37.5000001).
> Can anybody show me the mistake I am making?
> Thanks for helping
> Horsto

Ah, one thing to know is that the target file is not overwritten if it already 
exists. So begin by removing it before running gdalwarp (or use the -overwrite 
option if you use GDAL 1.8.0)

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