[gdal-dev] Potential dangerous use of CPLSetErrorHandler()

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Thu Feb 17 19:02:30 EST 2011

Hi Roger,

not sure if you are the appropriate recipient for this email, but as your name 
appeared on http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rgdal/index.html I try my 
chance ;-).

(CC'ing gdal-dev too since other users of GDAL might be interested by the 
issue related with CPLSetErrorHandler() in other contexts)

I had a discussion with Bob on the GDAL IRC that you can follow here :

http://logs.qgis.org/gdal/%23gdal.2011-02-16.log and

Here's my analysis (based on https://r-forge.r-
) of what leads to the crash he noticed (of course I can be wrong since my 
knowledge of R is null, so this is mostly based on guess) :
1) QGIS loads a plugin that loads RGDAL
2) When RGDAL is initialized, it installs a global error handler 
__errorHandler with CPLSetErrorHandler()
3) Some functions of QGIS unrelated to RGDAL causes a CPLError() to be emitted 
4) The global RGDAL error handler is triggered, causes the error() method to 
be called which apparently causes a longjmp() to the R interpreter
5) At that point QGIS crashes as the longjmp() is inappropriate because R 
isn't ready for being run at that point

So my suggestion would be not to use a global error handler set when RGDAL is 
initialized, but rather for each binding of the GDAL API, install a local 
error handler with CPLPushErrorHandler(__errorHandler) and uninstall it before 
returning to R with CPLPopErrorHandler()

For example :

RGDAL_GetDescription(SEXP sxpObj) {

  void *pGDALObj = getGDALObjPtr(sxpObj);


  const char *desc = ((GDALMajorObject *)pGDALObj)->GetDescription();




This is going to be quite painfull since you have to do this for each GDAL 
method you bind, and be careful to correctly pair CPLPushErrorHandler() / 
CPLPopErrorHandler() (the later being the easiest to forget in unsuual code 
paths, such as error code paths).

Best regards,


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