[gdal-dev] Resampling using RPCs

Jorge Martin jormarfe at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 05:38:01 EST 2011


       I have to make a resampling from a source image in Lat/Long
coordinates to UTM target image.

       If I take the GCPs of the source image in Lat/long the RPCs works
very good, but if I get this points and tranform the to UTM (with the same
zone of the target image) and compute the RPCs, the RPCs do not give me the
right position on the source image (the position is very far from the
image). I do not know if the is a problem trying to obtain the RPC in UTM
because of the reprojection or  something like this. I think that the
problem could be in the normalization that has to be done with the GCP,
because in Lat/lon is clear the min and max values but in UTM is not so

     Is there anyone that knows this issue?

Best Regards,

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