[gdal-dev] Problem using gdalwarp to reproject Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) to longlat

Jean-Claude REPETTO jrepetto at free.fr
Fri Jan 7 16:54:04 EST 2011

On 01/07/11 22:18, James Hiebert wrote:
> I am trying to reproject a geotif using gdalwarp:
> gdalwarp -t_srs "+proj=longlat" -s_srs "+proj=lcc +lat_0=47.5 +lat_1=30.0 +y_0=3200000.0 +lat_2=60.0 +x_0=3825000.0 +lon_0=-97.0 +a=6370000" -r bilinear -srcnodata "1e20" -dstnodata "1e20" -tr 0.5 0.5 -te -137.812943839532 33.8985446218588 -102.312943839532 63.3985446218588 mm5i-lcc.tif  mm5i-latlong.tif
> ERROR 1: Translating source or target SRS failed:
> +proj=lcc +lat_0=47.5 +lat_1=30.0 +y_0=3200000.0 +lat_2=60.0 +x_0=3825000.0 +lon_0=-97.0 +a=6370000


Your SRS definition is incomplete, because you haven't defined 
completely the ellispoid. Try to add one of the "+b", "+rf" , "+f", "+e" 
or "+es" parameters, and it should work.


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