[gdal-dev] Ask for performance tips

Alexandre Gacon alexandre.gacon+gdal at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 15:28:11 EDT 2011


I am using GDAL/OGR to find the links under a set of towns, on the whole
France territory.

My links and my towns are stored on a Postgis database.

For the moment I use the most precise request I can:

- I make a union of all the polygons of the towns I am interested in
- I send a request with GDAL to the Postgis database to get the links
covered by the geometry
- I read the result

Would it be faster if I make a request for each town, instead of making the
union of the geometries ?

Would it be faster if I use a simple spatial filter (like a rectangle)
instead of the precise geometry ?

Alexandre Gacon
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